"DEEPER BLUE" Science Fiction Comic
《藍色潮間帶》 科幻漫畫
*義大利 2020 波隆納插畫獎
*法國 2020 安古蘭漫畫節台灣館推薦書單
*美國 3X3 國際插畫獎
*日本 ASIAGRAPH 國際數位藝術獎
In the distant future, robots work on ecological restoration after human leave the earth.
Day by day. Year by year.
This is a small science fiction comic on the encounter and separation of two robots with no connection.
As a river mouth restoration robot, my works are nothing else but coral farming, transplanting Kandelia, monitoring migratory birds and some others.
Someday at the seashore, I found a beached robot whale in my farmland, as an accident toward my tedious lives.
At the far vacant time and space, the two robots break into each other’s lives. They talk, share, kill time, and lastly get back to their own lives.
This short encounter depicts greater boredom with lives. The boredom exists in the here and now, in the past, or somewhere in the distant mechanical future.